
Jenni Heron (Vocals, Lyrics)

Jenni Heron

Jenni is a Scottish singer from Edinburgh who has lived in Germany for quite a while now. She started singing as soon as she could talk and taught herself to read music and play the recorder when she was 5. At 8 she began with violin lessons and later on taught herself to play a bit of guitar and piano. At school she took part in the choir and at 16 had her first solo singing lessons. Soon after, she was asked to join an American Acting Group, Stage 13, where she performed in many straight plays and musicals, starting off with Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady, through Hunyak in Chicago, and Ado Annie in Oklahoma, as well as many other roles.

In her early 20s Jenni started singing Scottish songs by bard Robert Burns and year by year her repertoire grew bigger. As well as singing in different bands, performing in musicals and straight plays both at university (where she studied English and Drama) and other smaller and larger groups, she ended up working as a singer and actress doing ‘Kulinartheater’ for almost 10 years at a restaurant in Nuremberg. As time went by, Jenni decided to try something different and gave up the Kulinartheater to have more time for her family. She carried on singing Scottish songs and also has frequently been booked for weddings, christenings and other special occasions. Now the time was ripe for her to finally make a CD, something that many people have been telling her to do for years now. She is very curious how things will carry on from here…to be continued…

Konstantin Papoutsidis (Vocals, Keys, Music)

Konstantin Papoutsidis

Konstantin was born into a musical family of Church-Organ-Players and school music teachers. He started with playing the recorder in primary school and then continued with piano lessons. In secondary school his piano teacher Rosemarie Gutmann put the focus on improvisation. With his other teacher Dorota Beres he played „The Carneval of the animals“ in the school-orchestra.

At university in Erlangen he joined the Gospelchoir „The Amazingers“ which he accompagnied for several years. During this time he entered as well the former Progressive Rock Band „Static Thought“. Beside the modern music he reactivated his love for the instrumental music of the Barock and the Renaissance – a love which led him straight towards his todays wife Susanne Papoutsidis, who is also an enthusiastic musician.

Currently he accompagnies the Gospelchoir „Singing Diffrent“ and several childrens musicals in Erlangen-Bruck. He also plays keyboard in the Cover Band „Lazy Friends & Family„. With the singer Petra Geier from Rostock he had founded the singer-songwriter duo „Harmolesque„. Occasionally he also writes his own music for his project „animusmeus„.

Susi Papoutsidis (Vocals, Percussion)

Sol (Vocals, Guitars, Bass)